Challenges Worldwide

We exist to maximise enterprises’ potential, so they can deliver extraordinary impact.

A strong and prosperous economy is the best way to address poverty

Company growth creates jobs and a secure income for people living in town and cities.  This also helps rural farmers who depend upon urban businesses to process, package and sell their goods.  Earning your own money is the first step towards reducing the need for charity or aid and helps communities to develop a stable way to support themselves.

Since 1999 we have worked in more than 70 countries supporting people and enterprises to work together to support their community have better access to goods, services and money.Since 2014 we have been focusing our work on Sub-Saharan Africa, and now have Challenges offices in Ghana, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia that are supporting local businesses and individuals to improve and create sustainable economies that promote prosperity for all.

Prosperity, not Poverty

By focusing on helping businesses to grow, we are allowing individuals, families and communities up and down the supply chain to become prosperous.

Prosperity isn’t just about counting wealth, it’s about accessing all of the benefits that wealth brings: access to safe drinking water; food security; a good education; fair and equal job opportunities;  decent health care and protection from the effects of climate change. If we can help developing nations to become prosperous, their people have a better chance of improving their standard of living without relying on international aid and charity.  That is truly sustainable development!

Company no: SC193890.
Charity no: SCO28814.
5-7 Montgomery Street Lane, Edinburgh, EH7 5JT
© 2024 Challenges Worldwide